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Focus on climate

Once considered a by-product of our energy use and waste output, carbon has grown hugely in the importance of our business and now forms a stand-alone pillar of our Sustainability Strategy.

As a company, we accept the role carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases play in climate change. We also believe in the science behind climate change.

We have committed to eliminating all non-emergency related direct carbon emissions, reducing carbon emissions from the electricity we purchase, and managing all other indirect carbon emissions across campus.  

Our commitment to carbon reduction is reflected in our memberships of the Climate Leaders Coalition and the Sustainable Business Council. We’re proud to be an early signatory and strong supporter of the Climate Leaders’ Statement.

We support the global target as established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in the Paris Agreement 2015 to keep global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees, and we support the New Zealand target of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Our own Emissions Reduction Plan reflects this, with our Scope 1 and 2 emissions target to maintain net zero from 2021, and achieve absolute zero emissions by 2035.

Our climate commitment and targets are reflected in our Climate Policy, which is approved at Board level and reviewed every two years.

We're the world's first airport to achieve Level 4 Transformation of the Airports Council International “Airport Carbon Accreditation” programme – the highest level of airport carbon reduction best practice. View our Independent GHG Inventory Report for the 2023-24 reporting year.

Our submission to He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission also outlines our commitment to bringing climate action to the forefront.

Projects underway to reduce our emissions include: